
Lineout Builds Content-Rich Microsite That Socks It to ‘Em

BOMBAS is a retail startup that designs and manufactures premium socks and apparel for men, women, and children. Founded in 2013, Bombas became a leader in the sock industry, known for their innovative designs, superior comfort, and commitment to giving back. For every pair of socks purchased, Bombas donates a pair to homelessness organizations. To date, Bombas has donated over 75 million new clothing items to more than 3,500 community organizations.

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Lineout case study showing SEO, analytics, and web design results for Bombas.
Section //Scope


  • Interactive Web Development

  • Digital Analytics

  • Search Engine Optimization


Collaborate closely with internal and external stakeholders to design and develop an interactive microsite that provides transparency, data and in-depth storytelling related to Bombas’s support for homeless people in America. The content and user experience should be accessible and engaging to diverse audiences, shareable on social channels, and optimized for discovery through search.

Section //Overview


The client approached Lineout to develop its first-ever Impact Report. The client’s objective was to document the full scale and scope of its support for those affected by homelessness.

Bombas also wanted a visually-engaging interactive digital experience that would educate shoppers, provide transparency to investors and the media, and inspire its community to get involved in homelessness in America.

Bombas impact report web design and SEO from Lineout.
Section //Execution


  • Deliver interactive microsite

  • Audit microsite SEO elements and implement improvements

  • Audit speed performance and provide optimizations

  • Design for digital analytics integration


Our work began by collaborating with the Bombas team to shape its content goals and proof points for social impact. From there, we created a digital storyboard with a design direction that honored the brand’s creative guidelines while also expanding them to heighten audience engagement within this unique storytelling environment.

We progressed to creating wireframes and, after client feedback, designing the site in full.


The objective of Lineout’s Bombas partnership was accomplished by working collaboratively to deliver a polished final product that delighted stakeholders — the client and its investors — as well as global audiences.

Internally, it stoked the Bombas team’s mission focus and organizational engagement.